Press Release: Create Healthy Supports Higher Education Scholarships for Hill Country Students

November 8, 2023 – Create Healthy, the Fredericksburg-based foundation investing in the health and wellness of the Hill Country, donated $50,000 to two local scholarship funds: the Hill Country University Center Scholarship Fund and the Gillespie County Fair & Festivals Association Scholarship Fund.

“It’s difficult to overstate the impact of education on health and wellness for both individuals and communities,” said Jayne Pope, RN, CEO, Create Healthy. “Higher education opens so many opportunities, and the association between higher education and improved health and well-being is well-established. That’s why Create Healthy is making a substantive investment in organizations that are eliminating financial barriers to educational advancement.”

The Hill Country University Center Scholarship Fund supports students needing financial assistance to attend classes offered by Central Texas College and Texas Tech University in Fredericksburg. The Gillespie County Fair & Festivals Association Scholarship Fund supports students from Gillespie County who are pursuing higher education opportunities.

“Create Healthy shares our belief in the power of higher education and creating opportunities for our community,” said Mary Little, executive director, Hill Country University Center. “This donation will significantly enhance our ability to provide affordable higher education opportunities for Hill Country students.”

“Create Healthy’s donation will help us offer scholarships to more Gillespie County students,” said Adam Jung, Gillespie County Fair & Festivals Association Treasurer/Scholarship Fest Chairman. “We’re grateful for Create Healthy’s support for education and its generosity in supporting local non-profits and our mission to promote higher education in the Hill Country.”

Create Healthy is finalizing its 2024 funding priorities with input from area nonprofit, faith, government, school, and business leaders.


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